Top 5 Stages of Love (And Why Many Break Up At the Third Stage)

Top 5 Stages of Love (And Why Many Break Up At the Third Stage)
Experts say that there is a range of problems that many couples go through at different stages of their relationship. Find out what phase you are in at the moment and what you need to remember to keep your relationship healthy.

First stage: Falling In Love
Falling In Love
Love always comes into our lives unexpectedly as it’s the chemistry that occurs between two souls. Being in love is not a conscious state, but an instinct. At the same time, unfortunately, it satisfies our need for love only temporarily.
At this stage, you feel that you are needed by this person, you are ready to devote all the time and strength to a partner who becomes the dearest person on earth for you.
The real world is cruel: sooner or later this feeling disappears, and we inevitably return to reality.

Second stage: Being A Couple

Being A Couple
Being a couple is a conscious choice. You begin to feel a strong bond with a partner and become a part of a team. You feel comfortable and confident with your lover, you enrich and develop your relationship and begin to understand what your partner really needs.
Going through this phase, many people make such important decisions as starting to live together, get married, or raise a child. You know that your union is based on shared values ​​and mutual respect and that’s a perfect start for a family.

Third stage: Frustration And Disappointment

frustration and disappointment

Disappointment is a difficult stage that many couples go through. However, not everyone can overcome this phase. The largest number of break-ups and divorces falls on period #3.
Frustration is somewhat like a hangover. You are sad and painful that the party is over, and its consequences cause unpleasant feelings.
Feelings have vanished, hopes for a perfect life together have collapsed. You wonder where that person you were in love with has gone.
Inevitably we ask ourselves the question: have we made the right choice? Do not panic, you are not alone facing this problem. Surviving this stage is difficult, but if you succeed, then it will only get better as you both accept each other for what you truly are.

Fourth stage: Working On Your Love

working on your love
Do not worry if you think that feelings are gone. You will save the situation if you change your attitude to the problem. And for working on relationships, you will receive an amazing reward: your feelings will become more mature and stronger.
Just acknowledge that a person nearby cannot and should not be perfect as we all have disadvantages and issues. Do not forget that relationships require hard work, so make efforts to save your bond.

Fifth stage: Out-Of-This-World Love

out-of-this-world love
Be patient, true love takes time. To cope with all the problems alone is possible, but difficult. When you build true love and go through unavoidable difficulties, you will gain a strong ally and a like-minded lover.
The most powerful force in this world is the love of two people united in a single unit. At the last stage, a completely new level of mutual respect and acceptance appears. You do not hide anything, you know each others weak sides of personality, and you love a partner as they are.
An increasing number of people are ending relationships pretty much fast. But what if this happens because we idealize love? If you’re single and open for relationships, it might be worth giving it another try and checking out to find a new love and create a perfect bond.
Top 5 Stages of Love (And Why Many Break Up At the Third Stage) Top 5 Stages of Love (And Why Many Break Up At the Third Stage) Reviewed by Chris Bug on June 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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